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Community Services


Evergreen’s Community Services program, located in Arlington, MA is a non-profit, multi-service option that provides comprehensive foster care services to children ages birth - 22 years.

Our program provides a broad range of progressively more intense services to assist families in their ability to care for and protect their own children, to avoid placement and develop stability.

Our Mission

Foster care services are provided to children ages birth - 22 years, providing highly structured and individualized foster care to children identified as exhibiting a history of abuse, neglect, and/or environmental risk. The intent of foster care services is to provide short- and long-term intervention with the goal of placement in a less restrictive environment. Ideally such an environment would be a return to the natural home. In cases where this is indicated, a permanency plan is developed identifying the most appropriate and least restrictive environment which would best support the child’s needs.


Our Goals

The long-term goals of provision of foster care include:

  1. Development of permanency plan
  2. Assessment and implementation of support services to impact on medical, physical, educational, and psychological needs which impair the children's current functioning
  3. Casework, assessment, intervention, and monitoring of the natural family conducted jointly with the referral agency to promote reunification where indicated
  4. Casework, support, and service planning to involve the child to the best of his/her ability
  5. Ongoing support and training to the foster family to facilitate placement

The short-term goals of provision of foster care include:

  1. Stabilization of the children in placement
  2. Medical evaluation and intervention
  3. Coordination with referral source, natural family and foster family to develop and implement service delivery
  4. Development and implementation of service plan

Our Commitment

The Comprehensive Foster Care program was developed and licensed in 1987 to address the needs of those children who, because of the severity of their emotional/special needs, are at least temporarily unable to be cared for by their own families, or in a traditional foster home. The Comprehensive Foster Care Program is designed to provide structured, goal directed, family-based care for children and adolescents in a clinically effective setting.


Who We Serve

Through its history of providing home-based services to families, Evergreen has provided quality services for children and adolescents with a variety of behavioral, emotional, medical and financial needs. All children referred by the Department of Children and Families (ages birth – 18), including persons with developmental disabilities (ages birth – 22) can be considered for Comprehensive Foster Care Services.

Evergreen successfully serves children with the following profiles:






Victims of
Sexual Abuse


Attention Deficit


Pregnant or




Special Needs


Special Medical


History of
Substance Abuse

These children and adolescents’ behaviors include: antisocial behavior, delinquency, verbally abusing, running away, eating disordered, hyperactive, promiscuous and school truant or phobic. Children with histories of fire starting, suicidal ideation or prior attempts, and those who have been physically aggressive to others or property, may be placed. Safety considerations for both the children and provider family are paramount in these latter cases.

Start Your Journey...

You Can Make A Difference

We are always in need of loving and caring families who are willing to provide children with a safe and stable home environment. If you’re looking to make an impact in the life of a child, then fostering might be right for you.



Contact Us

Evergreen Community Services
37 Broadway, Suite 4
Arlington, MA 02474